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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Eggplant - Bambino
Eggplant - Bambino
The Eggplant Baby Bambino, 'Solanum melongena (Hybrid)', is a baby eggplant with 1 fruits! The Bambino is great hors d'oeuvres, shish-kabobs and other eggplant dishes. It is also an attractive ornamental. In addition to not having the bitter flavor that some full-sized eggplants have, Bambino is a tasty and attractive addition to your garden. The 1 foot tall plants are excellent in pots and display large, lavender flowers over an extended period. They are often used as a vegetarian substitute for expensive meats.Plant in the spring, 3 to 4 weeks after the last average frost date. Ground temperature needs to very warm for seed to germinate. If nighttime temperatures drop below 60 degrees, the fruit will not set. Eggplant prefers rich, deep, loose soils with large amounts of organic material. Provide 1 inch of water a week if it does not rain.|Seeds||Solanum melongena (Hybrid)


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Price: $2.69
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