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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Corn - Argent - white
Corn - Argent - white
The Corn Sweet Argent (White), 'Zea mays var rugosa (Hybrid)', is the best tasting white sweet corn there is. It is unsurpassed in eating quality. Argent is a white sweet corn with superb sweet, creamy flavor and excellent cultivation traits. Argent sweet corn adapts well to cool soils and has a high tolerance ot Stewart's Wilt and Northern Corn Leaf Blight. The ears will be about 8 inches long and 2 inches in diameter.Plant in the spring, a week or two after the last spring frost or when the soil is warm. In the deep south, this can be as early as February. Successive plantings in two week intervals will produce a much longer cropping season. Corn prefers a deep, rich well drained soil. Harvest the ears when the husks are dark green and the silks are brown but not brittle. Corn is usually ready 3 weeks after silks appear.


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Price: $1.89
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