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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Celery - Tall - Utah 52 70 Improved
Celery - Tall - Utah 52 70 Improved
The Celery Tall Utah 52/70 Improved, 'Apium graveolens var dulce', has a far superior flavor than grocery store celery. The fruits of the labors of experienced gardeners will be even sweeter when growing celery. Tall Utah grows best in climates with long, moderate temperature seasons, but can be grown most places with the proper technique. Celery is worth the effort. Details are inside the packet of seeds.Plant around the last average frost date in the spring. In the north, mid-west, northern south, store seeds indoors to transplant outside. Celery prefers well drained soil that has lots of organic matter. Harvest stalks when they are at least 6 inches tall and cut with a sharp knife just below the ground level.


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Price: $1.39
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