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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Bitter Melon
Bitter Melon
The Bitter Melon Short Fu Qwa, Foo-Gwa, 'Momordica charantia', is widely used in the Orient. You will quickly enjoy its bitter flavor. It is refreshing, cooling, and a compliment to beef, poultry, and seafood. The Bitter Melon is also called a Balsam Pear. The bitter flavor of bitter melon is due to quinine, and is a taste that is quickly acquired by adults and kids. This soft flavor softens as it absorbs other flavors. It is used in stir-fry, stews, steamed, braised, or curried. When mature, the melons are very showy, which is why it is commonly used as an ornamental.Plant in the spring, 1 to 2 weeks after the last frost when soil temperatures are warm. The Bitter Melon prefers light and well drained soil. Keep the plant moist but not soggy. Harvest the fruit when they are no longer than 6 inches and are still light green in color.


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Price: $1.89
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