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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Bean Pole - Snap - Romano
Bean Pole - Snap - Romano
The Bean Pole Snap Romano, 'Phaseolus vulgaris', produces over a long period of time, and this Italian green bean is considered one of the best tasting beans available. The snap bean, or green bean, is eaten pod and all. The Romano has an unsurpassed beany/nutty flavor. In addition, the pole snap beans will use less garden space by growing vertically on a pole, trellis, or teepee made of poles.Snap beans used to be called string beans, but most varieties today are stringless. The Pole Bean Windsor is an annual and is very frost sensitive. Pole types have 3 to 7 foot long vines. The Windsor has 4 inch, meaty, thick, wide, medium green stringless pods. Plant after the last average frost date. Pole beans, in very warm climates, can be planted in late August for fall harvest. Windsor beans prefer rich, organic, well drained, warm soils.


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Price: $1.79
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