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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Bean Bush - Snap - Pencil Pod
Bean Bush - Snap - Pencil Pod
The Bean Bush, Snap Pencil Pod, 'Phaseolus vulgaris', is a very adaptable wax bean that will grow anywhere in the country. It has excellent bean flavor with very attractive bright yellow pods. The bright yellow pods borne on the upper part of the bush make Pencil Pod an attractive addition to any garden. The very tasty 6 inch pods have black seeds and they are produced on an upright, bushy plant. This bean is very disease resistant and early maturing for a wax bean. They are excellent cooked or eaten right out of the garden.The Snap Bean Pencil Pod is a bush type and is upright in form. It is resistant to common bean mosaic virus and anthracnose. Plant after the last average frost date. This bush bean prefers rich, organic, well drained and warm soil. The soil must be kept evenly moist but not soggy.


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Price: $1.89
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