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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Squash - Winter Delicata
Squash - Winter Delicata
The Squash Winter Delicate Honey Boat, 'Cucurbita pepo', is as sweet as honey. This small Delicata is a gourmets delight and it is full of nutrition. Honey Boat is a small, very sweet, Delicata-type squash that weights 3/4 to 11/2 pounds and is a perfect size for one or two servings. The rich, dark orange flesh has a delectably sweet, nutty flavor. Being a winter squash, it will store well for several months. Winter squash is rich in calcium, potassium, vitamin C, A, and folic acid..Plant in the spring, 2 to 4 weeks after the last average frost date. Squash prefers well drained, rich soil with lots of organic matter. Harvest after first or second light frost. Delicata squash is ready to harvest when the stem and skin hardens and the orange spot on the darkens. Winter squash cannot be overripe, but they can be under ripe.


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Price: $2.99
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