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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Spinach - Bloomsdale
Spinach - Bloomsdale
The Spinach Bloomsdale, 'Spinacia oleracea', is an old favorite amongst gardeners. The Bloomsdale has excellent flavor and produces large quantities of tasty leaves. If you are new to gardening, try fresh spinach in the garden, the buttery flavor will win you over. Spinach is also very nutritious with lots of Vitamin A, C, and iron and is low in calories. Bloomsdale is an old, dependable, open pollinated variety and it is also good in containers.Plant in early spring, 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost date or when soil temperatures are above 35 degrees. Successive palnting can be made every 3 weeks for continuous harvest. Spinach prefers light, fertile, moist, and well drained soil. Harvest individual leaves from outer edges as they become big enough to use or cut the whole plant 1 inch above the base and new leaves will grow.


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Price: $1.79
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