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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Lettuce - Lolla Rossa
Lettuce - Lolla Rossa
The Lettuce Leaf Lolla Rossa, 'Lactuca sativa', has a mild but distinct flavor and that is why Lolla Rossa has a large following. It is an excellent Cut-and-come-again lettuce. This very attractive lettuce has a mild, unique flavor that is prized by many. In addition, the red-edged, frilly, deeply curled leaves are very attractive and they make a wonderful garnish. Lettuce is a cool season annual. Successive plantings can produce lettuce spring through fall. Plant in early spring, 3 to 4 weeks before the average last frost date, and successive plantings thereafter every 3 weeks until 5 weeks before fall frost. Lettuce likes light, fertile, moist, and well drained soils. They will grow in light shade. Lettuce grows well near cabbage, beets, carrots, chives, garlic, and onion.


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Price: $1.79
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