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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Lettuce - Butterhead Speckles
Lettuce - Butterhead Speckles
The Lettuce Butterhead Speckles, 'Lactuca sativa', is an Heirloom that originated from the Mennonites who brought it with them from Germany and Holland over 200 years ago. Make a salad with Speckles lettuce and no one will notice if there are bugs in it. The unusual speckling of these mild, tender, thick but soft leaves will add visual interest to any salad. Speckles is rarely bitter and is quick maturing. It is also know as Boston or Bib lettuce. Lettuce is a cool season annual. Successive plantings can produce lettuce spring through fall. Plant in early spring, 3 to 4 weeks before the average last frost date, and successive plantings thereafter every 3 weeks until 5 weeks before fall frost. Lettuce likes light, fertile, moist, and well drained soils. They will grow in light shade. Lettuce grows well near cabbage, beets, carrots, chives, garlic, and onion.


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Price: $1.79
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