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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Basil - Lemon
Basil - Lemon
The Basil Lemon, 'Ocimum basilicum citriodorum', has a strong lemon fragrance that makes this basil excellent for vinegars, salad dressing, fish dishes, and salads. There is no more useful herb. It is a good all around basil and it has very few pests. The Lemon Basil has pointed 2 inch, dull green leaves. It will display white flowers if allowed to bloom. After 4 to 6 weeks of growth, pinch top to force side growth and prevent early flowering. Basil is used in so many foods, it is hard to mention them all. It is used in Italian foods and pesto and pasta sauces. Fresh basil makes a nice tea, an excellent vinegar, and tastes great fresh with fish, poultry, rice, mild vegetables, eggplant and many others. Plant 1 to 2 weeks after the last average frost date. Place the Basil seeds in well drained soil with lots of organic matter.


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Price: $1.69
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