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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Zinnia - Envy
Zinnia - Envy
The Zinnia Envy, 'Zinnia elegans', has an attention getting chartreuse color for the garden. If you are searching for the truly unusual, this Zinnia is for you. In addition to the beautiful chartreuse flowers, it has a strong branching habit, a long blooming season, and is excellent in large pots or containers. Zinnia Envy displays large 3 to 4 inch flowers that will continue to bloom from early summer through fall until first frost.The Envy Zinnia performs best in rich, deep, well-drained soil. Mix a high phosphorous, low nitrogen fertilizer in with the soil. They need to be kept well watered but not soggy wet. Plant in late spring, 2 weeks after the average last frost date. This Zinnia is great for cut and dried flowers and looks excellent in mass plantings.


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Price: $1.89
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