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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Strawflower - Mixed Colors
Strawflower - Mixed Colors
The Strawflower Mixed Colors, 'Helichrysum bracteatum', makes fantastic cut flowers. The colorful medley of strawflowers also is great for ever-lasting dried flowers. This dazzler will radiate color all over the garden. Rock gardens will brighten up, mixed borders will glow, window boxes will shine. The papery pom-pom like flowers are 2.5 inches across and come in white, bright shades of pink, red, yellow, and orange. The parts of the strawflower that look like petals are actually stiff, modified leaves called bracts.Do you have a hot and dry area that lacks zest? The strawflowers will thrive in hot, full sun areas. They will grow in any well-drained garden soil. Strawflowers tend to have dry leaves at the base. Pinch them off if you cannot stand dry foliage. Plant seeds as soon as the soil is warm and there is no danger of frost.


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Price: $1.69
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