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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Phlox - Coral Reef Mix
Phlox - Coral Reef Mix
The Phlox Coral Reef Mix, 'Phlox drummondii', produces bouquets of flowers with unique pastel shades all growing season. The Coral Reef Mix offers endless variations of cream, buff, coral, pink, and salmon shades. Each flower is only 1 inch wide and is carrying dense clusters several inches wide. The Coral Reef Mix blooms from spring to early fall and the flowers have a sweet fragrance.Coral Reef Phlox prefers full sun and the soil must be well drained. They like a lot of organic matter, so amend if necessary. The soil needs to be kept evenly moist. The spent flowers should be deadheaded to prolong blooming. Plant in the early spring, 2 to 4 weeks before the last average frost date. This plant is an outstanding annual for containers, bedding schemes, and for borders.


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Price: $2.69
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