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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Nasturtium - Tall Climbing Single
Nasturtium - Tall Climbing Single
The Nasturtium Tall Climbing Single, 'Tropaeolum majus', is a charming climber that will cover your fence or slope and capture your heart with its edible leaves and flowers. Every salad should have edible Nasturtium and Viola flowers. The Tall Climbing Single Nasturtium has 2 to 21/2 inch flowers that bloom 6 weeks after sowing. Flower colors are shades of scarlet, gold, orange, and yellow. They will bloom all season until fall.This Nasturtium prefer full sun but will withstand some shade. Nasturtiums perform well in bad soil, but is comfortable in average garden soil that is not overly fertile. When the blossom passes its peak, pinch off to the base of the stem. Plant in the spring after the last average frost date or fall plant in warmer climates. Nasturtiums are used for edging and borders. These plants will also deter whiteflies, squash bug, and rabbits.


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Price: $1.59
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