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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Mina Lobata - Spanish Flag
Mina Lobata - Spanish Flag
The Mina Lobata Spanish Flag, 'Ipomoea lobata', has sprays of crimson flowers that change to orange and yellow, then white, and are suitable of cuttings. The Spanish Flag is related to the morning glory and is sometimes called the Firecracker Vine or Exotic Love plant. This plant has 1 to 2 inch tubular flowers that occur in spikes of up to 12 flowers. They are crimson upon opening and then they change to orange/yellow and to white. Mina lobata bloom from summer until the first fall frost. Spanish Flags prefer full sun and sandy well drained soil. Water frequently, they do not like to dry out. Plant in the spring, after the last average frost date or until early summer. The Spanish Flag is used for pots, baskets, climbing up fences, trellises, and ground cover.


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Price: $2.99
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