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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
English Daisy
English Daisy
The English Daisy, 'Bellis perennis', has profuse bright red and white cushion-like flowers that are a perfect accent for any border. The English Daisy is the original Daisy. The yellow-eyed, bright red and white flowers will brighten up any border or rock garden. The 2 inch wide white flowers have tons of petals that are tipped with red. The English Daisy blooms in cool temperatures.The English Daisy prefers full sun but does well in partial shade in very hot climates. The English Daisy prefers moist, rich, well drained soil and needs to be kept well watered. Cut spent flowers to encourage more blooms. Plant in early spring, 2 to 3 weeks before the average last frost date or as late as 2 months before the first fall frost. The English Daisy makes excellent cut flowers and is an outstanding bedding and border plant.


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Price: $1.89
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