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Home » Bushes and Shrubs

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Dogwood - Yellow Twig
Dogwood - Yellow Twig
The Dogwood 'Yellow Twig', Cornus sericea 'Yellow Twig', is a medium sized shrub with bright yellow twigs. These yellow twigs provide a good contrast against any Red-twig with its yellow fall color. The foliage is medium to dark green in summer, followed by purplish fall color. The twigs are green in summer, but turn bright clear yellow in fall and are quite conspicuous in winter, especially if planted in groups with one of the red twigged dogwoods. Pruned twigs invariably die back to the next bud and turn black from there to the pruned end of the twig, leaving ugly black ends on bright yellow twigs. Prune with care; remove branches or twigs only at the ground line. Plant in full sun and provide a well watered location.


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Price: $15.95
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