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Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Blazing Star - Kobold Gayfeather
Blazing Star - Kobold Gayfeather
The Liatris 'Kobold Gayfeather'�, Liatris spicata, has tall, lilac-rose spike-shaped flowers with a fluffy appearance and dark green foliage. The flowers open from the top down and bloom from June to September. Liatris 'Kobold'� has a plant height of 2'� and a spread of 12-18'�. Liatris 'Kobold'� should be planted in full sun in a well-drained area. It does prefer a bit more moisture than most Liatris, but do not over water. Liatris 'Kobold'� looks great as a perennial background, with grasses or white blooming flowers such as Physostegia 'Miss Manners'�. It is a major butterfly and bee attractor.


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Price: $21.95
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