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Home » Perennials

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Grass - Prairie Dropseed
Grass - Prairie Dropseed
The Grass 'Prairie Dropseed', Sporobolus heterolepis, is a native American prairie plant. Prairie Dropseed produces a magnificent fountain of fine-textured, emerald green leaves, adding a touch of elegance to any planting. Considered by many to be the most handsome of the prairie grasses, it makes a well-defined and distinctive border when planted 18 to 24 inches apart. The seedhead has a faint but unmistakable fragrance, often described as resembling a combination of fresh popcorn and cilantro.The highly nutritious seeds are much sought after by birds. Grows two feet high on any well-drained soil, and does particularly well on dry sand. It has an upright, arching growth habit. As the seed ripens, it droops over.The plant turns a golden yellow in the fall.


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Price: $21.95
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