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Home » Perennials

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Grass - Big Bluestem
Grass - Big Bluestem
The Grass, 'Big Bluestem', Andropogon gerardii, is a native prairie grass. This grass is also called Turkey feet because the shape of the seed heads look like turkey feet. It is also called beard grass. The name big bluestem grass comes from the fact that this grass can grow to very big, 4 to 7 feet as a matter of fact. It blooms from June through September. In late summer, purplish flower spikes form.The tall and slender stems are blue-green in the summer. The hairy blades, which can get to be 12 inches long and 1/2 inch wide, will get a red tinge on the leaves as they get older, and turn bronze in the fall. Pot it or bed it. Very attractive grass which works well as an accent plant or in mass plantings.


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Price: $10.95
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