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Home » Perennials

Manufacturer: Nature Hills Nursery
Salvia - Caradonna
Salvia - Caradonna
The Salvia 'Caradonna'�, Salvia nemorosa, has glowing purple stems loaded with violet-purple flowers that bloom from June to October. With its gray-green aromatic foliage, it makes an attractive accent all summer long. Salvia 'Caradonna'� was awarded the Outstanding New Perennial in 2000 by the International Hardy Plant Union. It has a plant height of 30'� and a spread of 12-18'� and stays in excellent compact form. Salvia 'Caradonna'� should be planted in full sun in a moist well-drained area. To increase bloom time, it should be cut back after the first bloom. 'Caradonna'� is a magnet for butterflies, bees and hummingbirds and is deer-resistant. It is hardy for container gardening and provides excellent cut flowers. Blooms look wonderful next to Sedum 'Matrona'�, Achillea 'Coronation Gold' and Saliva 'Snow Hill'�.


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Price: $12.45
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